Lorelai and Rory

Lorelai and Rory
My inspiration!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

About me!

The only part of my life that I will be discussing in this blog is my eating habits and my exercise habits, and everything that goes along with that.

I started this diet for several reasons. The main one is that I have tried many diets and FAILED. I thought that if I wrote the diet myself I may be more inclined to stick with it. I came up with the idea while watching one of my favorite TV shows, The Gilmore Girls.

I saw how the two main characters seemed to eat anything and everything and still stay thin and beautiful. Then I thought of all the people I've known in real life who fit that same criterea. Then I thought of me: I hadn't eaten anything "real" or anything that I really wanted to eat (without guilt, anyway!) in forever, and was very overweight. Nonsense. It was time to break the gap.

I believe that it's possible to eat junk food and fast food on a regular basis and to still lose weight. I believe that everything in moderation is the key, and that everyone should be "allowed" to eat anything and maintain a healthy weight.

So that is the ultimate goal for this blog: to chronicle how I go from "fat and dieting" to "thin and eating".

When I started this diet a week and a half ago, I weighed 204 pounds. At 5'6'', that is considered obese. When I weighed in on Saturday, after a week on the diet, I am down 2.8 pounds, weighing in at 201.2. I plan to lose 50 pounds in 2010; so far since January 1, I'm down almost 7. Now, I am a member of weight watchers.com and will be combining this diet with the points system.

Since right now I will be counting total calories and total grams of fat, this is indeed a diet. My real dream for myself (and the Gilmore Girls Diet) is to eventually be done counting altogether, and to be able to control my portions based solely on my hunger signals and maintain a healthy weight forever. I'll write another post in a minute with today's meal plan, so you can see what I eat on a typical day.

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