Lorelai and Rory

Lorelai and Rory
My inspiration!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tater Tot Tuesday!

Today's Plan:

breakfast- 1 poptart
lunch- tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwich, green beans, banana
dinner- 15 baked tater tots, big salad, hard-boiled egg
snacks: pink goo, 2nd poptart, redvines
exercise: 30 minutes Curves circuit training

Feeling pretty positive about today's plan. The only thing that I may struggle with is dinner, because I have a couple of my favorite lean cuisine pizzas on hand and sometimes I swap that meal around... but I shouldn't because it's tater tot tuesday!

You may have noticed that I added a list over to the left of my posts, of books that I'm reading or have recently finished. This is because I'm not just eating like a Gilmore, oh no, I'm reading like one, too. All the books that I'm reading right now can be found on "Rory's Reading List" on several websites throughout the web. I'm actually really enjoying reading these books because most are books that I would never have picked out myself, and that I'm absolutely loving.

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